Window Light: Portraiture & my love of the light

Bride standing bathed in window light. Wearing a spotty 50s style dress

Window Light

Window light is my favourite kind of light for bridal portraits. I love how flattering it is and how it really shows off the composure of face and dress and figure. There is something lovely about just taking a little moment right before everything is about to unfold, and just stand there in the window light. The only direction I tend to give is just look out of the window or look at your bouquet, or occasionally, look at me. The rest just happens. I especially love it when the sun is in just the right place and my bride is bathed in light whilst the rest of the room is dark. It’s just delicious!


The portrait & window light

I could never really call myself a documentary photographer or a photographer that specialises in reportage. Although I do really love capturing those gorgeous natural moments that happen throughout the day, and really take delight in those unposed moments. I also love to use the light in the best possible way in order to create something beautiful. My couples will tell you that I don’t pose them or make them feel awkward. Except perhaps the I get a bit too close with my camera. But I’ve learnt to really close that gap to create the intimacy of a close up (thats a blog for another time!) I like natural photos. But I also like placing the bride in window light.

{edit} I have updated my Bridal portraits for 2023.


My brides

Here are a few of my 2018 brides bathed in gorgeous window light. I didn’t want to make the post too long so I haven’t included a portrait of every single bride. I have loved every single bridal portrait I have taken. But these just represent a few of my absolute favourites, where I was lucky with the light perhaps and I got those gorgeous portraits that just make me smile so much! I could never be fully documentary because I also LOVE these moments. They may be slightly posed in as natural a way as possible. But do you know what. I like portraits and always will. So here are some…


Close up of bride in window lightBride sat down at dressing table. Reflected in the mirror. sniffing bouquet. Elegant portraitBride standing in window light next to dressing table, reflected in the mirrorwindow light on bride as she sits next to window in her dress. Bride has bouquet on lap and is wearing a flower crownBride standing next to the window looking out at the lightbride in window light sniffing bouquetBride in silver dress standing in the window lightWindow light on bridewindow light - bride standing in tall window, holding bouquet, bathed in lightbride in window lightclose up of bride in window lightBridal portrait in window lightblack and white portrait of bride standing in window light to the edge of frame

Some of the venues featured:

Swancar Farm, The Pumping House, Hazel Gap Barn, The Old Vicarage Boutique, Colwick Hall, Crockwell Farm

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